Research Reports

The CFGR is Canada’s only charitable foundation focused solely on supporting and disseminating governance research from a Canadian perspective. Each year, through the Robert Bertram Doctoral Research Awards, the CFGR supports corporate governance research projects undertaken by Canada’s most promising doctoral students. The results of those research projects are available here. We encourage you to review, discuss, and share these research reports. Specifically CFGR commissioned research reports are also available.

Awarded to Report PDF Download Date
Ting Xu Board Gender Diversity, Corporate Innovation, and Firm Value: International Evidence PhD Candidate in Finance, University of British Columbia Research report 2016 recipient
Mohamed Al Guindy Is Corporate Tweeting Informative or Is It Just Hype? Evidence from the SEC Social Media Regulation PhD Candidate in Management, Queen's University Research report 2015 recipient
Travis Reynolds Co-operative governance by the numbers: exploratory analysis of the Cooperative Business Study PhD Candidate in Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan Research report 2015 recipient
Jennifer Mills Improving stakeholder engagement and reporting in the extractive sector PhD Candidate in Environmental Studies, York University Research Report 2014 Recipient
Leila Peyravan Financial reporting quality and dual-holding of debt and equity PhD Candidate in Accounting, University of Toronto Research Report 2014 Recipient
Rida Elias Learning during the transition period: how identifying executives as designate CEOs affects their learning PhD Candidate in Strategy, Western University 2013 Recipient
Si Hao Corporate integrated reporting: more than a reporting revolution PhD candidate in Faculty of Law, the University of British Columbia Research Report 2013 Recipient
Jing Lu Corporate governance, board interlocks and environmental performance: evidence of large canadian rirms PhD candidate in Accounting, University of Calgary Research Report 2013 Recipient
Bassam Farah Canadian subsidiary governance: a multi-method approach PhD Candidate in International Business & Strategy, University of Western Ontario
Sylvie Harbour Negotiating the role of internal audit: How directors situate audit in the governance process PhD Candidate, Faculté des sciences de l'administration , Université Laval
To view a story about the research published in the ICD’s Director Journal, click here
Research Report 2012 Recipient
Carol Liao A Canadian model of corporate governance:

Part one: insights from Canada's leading legal practitioners
Full report: director duties, stakeholder interest, and emerging hybrid legal structures SJD/PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto and The University of British Columbia (Joint Program)
To view a story about the research published in the ICD’s Director Journal, click here To view another story about the research published in the ICD’s Director Journal, click here

Research Report
Research Report
2012 Recipient
Clarkson Centre for Board Effectiveness CFGR-CCBE 2011 director survey summary Authored by: Matt Fullbrook, David Comrie, & Antonio Spizzirri
This CFGR-sponsored report focused on the current challenges facing Canadian directors and sought to identify current governance issues that would most benefit from future study.
Research report 2011 Commissioned Research
Clarkson Centre for Board Effectiveness 2011 CCBE research recommendations report Authored by: Chris MacDonald & Matt Fullbrook
This report summarizes the findings of an extensive literature review on corporate governance as well as presents the results of a survey of, and dozens of personal interviews with, Canadian directors. Opportunities for future research are identified.
Research report 2011 Commissioned Research
Christopher Eaton Articulating acceptable risk for organizations: toward a better risk appetite framework PhD Candidate in Risk Management
Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
To view a story about the research published in the ICD’s Director Journal, click here
Research Report 2011 Recipient
Gail Henderson A fiduciary duty to future generations? Corporate governance and sustainable development SJD candidate Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
To view a story about the research published in the ICD’s Director Journal, click here
Research Report 2011 Recipient
Hamed Mahmudi Does Independent advice to the board affect CEO compensation? Assistant Professor Price College of Business at the University of Oklahoma1
To view a story about the research published in the ICD’s Director Journal, click here
Research Report 2011 Recipient
Burcin Col What determines the diversity of the corporate governance practices within and outside U.S. and Canada? PhD Candidate in Finance, McGill University
To view a story about the research published in the ICD’s Director Journal, click here
Research Report 2010 Recipient
Feng Zhang. Shareholder rights, managerial incentives, and firm value Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Utah2
To view a story about the research published in the ICD’s Director Journal, click here
Research Report 2010 Recipient

1. Hamed Mahmudi is an Assistant Professor at the Price College of Business, University of Oklahoma and holds a PhD from the University of Toronto.
2. Feng Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Utah and holds a PhD in Finance from the University of British Columbia.


Applications are now closed for the Bertram scholarship